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Here we are, on the Summer Solstice, on the eve of the Full Moon at 1 degree Capricorn, with this being the first of two Capricorn Full Moons! The second one, a month from now, on the 21st of July, will be at 29 degrees Capricorn. It will also be 29 degrees of the Cancer Sun. So, what project needs your attention this coming month? What are you planning on initiating into your life in the weeks to come? You will be utilizing the energies of the light within Cancer. We are also drawing on the last few degrees of Neptune in Pisces, except, the stations retrograde on July 2, turning direct on December 7, reaching 29 degrees on March 28, 2025. We've got some serious spiritual reviewing to do. We are also drawing on Sedna, who also represents the sea, and the creatures within the powers of the oceans of our planet. We all must become aware of this ongoing struggle for power and dominance that is in play on this planet. It looks like a war is raging, but we must not feel that this is the reality, we are all being asked to see the potential for a true bigger picture, with planetary healing at the core of the truth. We all must invest in this bigger picture, clear the need for a dominance reality as the only picture being offered. Open your heart, and know that a true, shared future is being offered to us all. Take your chance to dance in the light of the moon, as she shines down on you.

Louhi is a goddess of Finland and Lapland. Her realm in the Arctic North is called Pohjola in the Kalevala, an epic poem compiled from Finish folklore. Her name means "magic," and it also refers to a trance or alternative state of consciousness.

Nancy Miller Ogren

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